Eco-friendly Living

Tips to drive less

Tips to drive less

We bet that poor petrobeast drunk dinosaur wagon you call a car would like to rest too. Keep on going. Let your car rest. Did you know that cars and trucks account for 25 percent of the United States’ carbon dioxide emissions? More bicycle riding and other lifestyle changes are desperately needed to reduce the …

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Why is recycled paper better for the environment?

Why is recycled paper better for the environment?

Rainforests are beautiful habitats, characterized by high rainfall, and arr home to two-thirds of living animals and plants species on the earth and are the source of many of the earth’s natural herbal medicines. Rainforests are also critical to our fight against global warming, as they absorb tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide. In fact, every …

Why is recycled paper better for the environment? Read More »

Why is buying organic food good for the environment?

Why is buying organic food good for the environment?

Choosing organic foods supports sustainable agriculture while increasing the demand for foods grown without pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Organic farmers take care to produce food in the healthiest manner possible, nourishingtheir soil, rather than depleting it with the chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as used by many non-organic farmers. The result is not only good for …

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