Erzsebet Frey | Ecologist and Online Entrepreneur

Erzsebet Frey (Eli) is a passionate ecologist and online entrepreneur who has been living on the tropical island of Sri Lanka since 2017. She was born in Germany and raised in Serbia.

Eli epitomizes a harmonious blend of science and entrepreneurship, driven by her profound love for nature, wildlife, and simple living.

Her passion lies in bridging science and society through communicating ecological concepts and natural wonders through research and blogging. Beyond her professional pursuits, Eli finds joy in creating nature-inspired and simple living videos on YouTube, and she actively engages in speleology, diving, and hiking, continually exploring and sharing the wonders of the natural world.


Eli honed her academic expertise in Serbia, at the University of Belgrade, where she earned both a Bachelor and Master of Science in Biology and Ecology.

Eli’s career in ecology has been marked by extensive international experience in both  laboratory and field work. Her professional journey spans across continents, from exploring the ancient caves and mountain ranges of the Balkans to scaling the towering peaks and pristine lakes of Europe. She has immersed herself in the stunning biodiversity of Brazil, delved into the marine world of Oman, and explored renowned national parks in Sri Lanka.

Online Entrepreneurship

In 2018, she expanded into SEO and blogging, completing specialized courses in SEO and Digital Marketing from UC Davis and Edinburgh. As an online entrepreneur, Eli has founded multiple websites focused on her field of study and interests, biology, ecology, environmental science, sustainable living, and outdoor activities.

Websites owned by Erzsebet Frey:

Simply Ecologist

Bata Eco

– Eco and Stylish

– Litepreneur

– Shop by Eli


ecoandstylish eli frey erzsebet frey

About Eco&Stylish

Welcome to Eco&Stylish, your go-to resource for embracing a sustainable lifestyle in harmony with nature. Our mission is to help you incorporate eco-friendly practices into your daily routine with ease and elegance. Whether you’re a seasoned environmentalist or just starting your journey towards sustainability, Eco&Stylish is here to guide you every step of the way.

At Eco&Stylish, we believe that living sustainably doesn’t mean sacrificing style or convenience. We offer practical tips, insightful articles, and inspiring stories to show you how to make eco-friendly choices without compromising on aesthetics or comfort. From sustainable fashion and zero-waste living to eco-conscious travel and green home solutions, our content is designed to make sustainable living accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Who Will Benefit from Eco&Stylish?

Eco&Stylish is perfect for:

  1. Eco-Conscious Individuals: If you’re passionate about the environment and looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint, our blog provides valuable insights and actionable tips to help you live more sustainably.
  2. Fashion Enthusiasts: Discover the latest trends in sustainable fashion and learn how to build a stylish, eco-friendly wardrobe without compromising on quality or design.
  3. Homeowners and Renters: Whether you own or rent your home, we offer practical advice on creating an eco-friendly living space, from energy-saving tips to eco-friendly decor ideas.
  4. Travelers: For those who love to explore the world while minimizing their environmental impact, our eco-conscious travel guides and tips will help you travel sustainably and responsibly.
  5. Families: Find kid-friendly and family-oriented eco-tips to help your whole household adopt a greener lifestyle, making sustainability a fun and educational journey for everyone.
  6. Health and Wellness Enthusiasts: Learn about the benefits of sustainable living for your health and well-being, from organic food choices to natural beauty products and eco-friendly fitness routines.

Join us at Eco&Stylish as we explore the joys and benefits of sustainable living. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet while living stylishly and mindfully.


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