Eco-friendly Living

Why are natural cosmetics better for you?

Why are natural cosmetics better for you?

Many people don’t know that their favorite cosmetics and personal care products are made with petrochemicals (chemicals derived from petroleum). The cosmetic industry’s use of these chemicals increases global carbon emissions and speeds up climate change. You can make a difference in our climate and in your own personal health simply by purchasing petroleum-free cosmetics. …

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how to clean sustainably

How to clean sustainably?

Sadly, most modern household cleaning products rely on petrochemicals.Floor cleaners and polishes emit aromatic vapors from petroleum distillates.And chemicals like butyl cellosolve, the main ingredient in Windex, are directlylinked to global warming petrochemicals. Why are natural cleaning products better? Natural cleaning products are better because of their positive effect on the environment and our own …

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Tips to drive less

Tips to drive less

We bet that poor petrobeast drunk dinosaur wagon you call a car would like to rest too. Keep on going. Let your car rest. Did you know that cars and trucks account for 25 percent of the United States’ carbon dioxide emissions? More bicycle riding and other lifestyle changes are desperately needed to reduce the …

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Why is recycled paper better for the environment?

Why is recycled paper better for the environment?

Rainforests are beautiful habitats, characterized by high rainfall, and arr home to two-thirds of living animals and plants species on the earth and are the source of many of the earth’s natural herbal medicines. Rainforests are also critical to our fight against global warming, as they absorb tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide. In fact, every …

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