Eco-friendly Living

Green building materials benefits

Green building materials benefits

Our early ancestors built their dwellings from natural materials they found in their environment. Wood, bamboo, mud, and palm fronds provided what they needed to construct their earth-friendly shelters, which they built without polluting the environment or creating harmful greenhouse gases. How green buildings can help fight climate change? Today, however, construction and maintenance of …

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Why adopt a wild animal?

Why adopt a wild animal?

Birds, bees, fish, trees, and more than a million animal species from the polarbears to the kangaroos are predicted to go extinct by 2050. Global warming-induced climate change is largely responsible for this worldwidetragedy. According to an article posted on Scientific American’s website, “global warming may surpass other by-products of human activity, such as deforestation, …

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How do electric vehicles help to reduce global warming?

How do electric vehicles benefit the environment?

Electricity has transformed our society and our economy, and will play a fundamental role in these criticism transformation before us—whether to an environmental point of no return or to an era of true sustainability. Although the lion’s share of electricity used today is still generated by coal-fired power plants, we can still significantly shrink our …

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